Creatine Monohydrate: Facts about Creatine & Side Effects by Dr Anthony & Team

Monohydrate: Facts about Creatine & Side Effects by Dr Anthony &

My name is Dr Edwin Anthony.  I am a Founder & Director
of EA Clinic.  I specialise in body contouring, practising from my private
clinic on 99 Harley Street, London.

I was born in London and trained in Medicine and Surgery at the prestigious Trinity College Dublin,
qualifying in 1999. I am a Cosmetic Doctor and a Hair Transplant Surgeon.
  Additionally, I completed my advanced training in Aesthetic Medicine
in 2009. However, I am not here to talk about cosmetic surgery today.

What is Creatine?

Creatine is a special kind of amino acid made from two common amino
acids found in the protein you eat.  Creatine
serves as a short-lived emergency backup to your cells energy storage molecule,
ATP (adenosine triphosphate).  The vast
majority of energy-requiring processes inside the cell, require ATP. When cells
and the tissues they form do anything energetic (e.g. muscle contraction), this
also requires ATP.  When you burn
calories, you are doing so to regenerate your ATP pool.

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